
Once again, this Spring is turning out to be good for the upland birds. A few rainy days between now and mid June would help to keep things green and the insect population heavy. Speaking of insects, Barb and I spent a few days over in western Idaho and there were grasshoppers everywhere. Good sign.

Shoulder repair is now done and I just have to wait out the recovery process and not do anything stupid. Not doing anything stupid is hard for chukar hunters with our small brains.

Everything went great except the bicep muscle was too frayed to repair but that won’t impede anything. The hard part is going to be keeping these mutts happy. Especially Grady.

For the first time since they’ve had a two turkey limit in Idaho, I didn’t get my second bird. That was because I failed to keep my head down on the shot. A lesson I try and tell others when I take them turkey hunting. But I snuck out and called this big boy into the camera to show I might have been able to hit him if I could hold a gun up.

He gave me a quick look as he swiftly departed.

The main point we all care about is the chukars though. As I said, looking great so far. Also, I’ve seen a lot of grouse this year. Both ruff and blue. It’s going to be a banner year for all the upland birds barring any catastrophies like fires. We might be looking at one of those 200 birds per square mile years in many areas.

This one finger typing ain’t fun so I won’t be posting much, but if you guys are seeing much interesting, let me know and I’ll try and pass it on.

Be careful in the heat with your canine buddies and get ready for what I hope to be the best season in a long time.

Published by jakeandgrady

Hunting has been a favorite past time for me for 55 years but the last twenty five years I have been consumed by chukar hunting and more specifically chukar hunting with fantastic dogs. In this blog I hope to pass on any information I can about chukar hunting but more than anything I want to showcase what will probably be my last two chukar dogs, Jake and Grady. I am 70 years old, Jake is 8 and Grady is 3 and I'm hoping to stay on the chukar mountain until I am 80 when Grady will be fetching my final chukars.

5 thoughts on “Update

  1. Cliff

    Glad the surgery went well but a complete success will take away a good excuse for missing a shot, on the rare occasion that happens. Great news on the birds!!


  2. Great to hear your recovery is going good. I have a terrible problem getting my head down on the stock. The excitement of a point and covey flush is just to much. Had both shoulders operated on long ago and the Docs were unable to fix the Supraspinatus tendens. Keep us posted. Wayne.


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